untitled (memories fade but i promise to tend to yours like a flower)
screenprint, paper, thread, PVA adhesive, bouquet stand
i hope this letter gets to you (sorry it took so long to send)
typewriter, bolívares, envelopes
Currently an edition of 13 prints on Venezuelan currency.
A series of bolívares with sayings my family used to tell me in order to save money.
I Couldn’t Afford Flowers so I Made These Instead
screenprint, Bolívares, thread, glue
This book is dedicated to my aunt and uncle who passed away during the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Venezuela.
The bolivar has reached a level of inflation that makes it practically worthless. Due to this inflation food and medicine have been next to impossible to purchase causing people to lose their lives. People have resorted to turning the bills into kindling, drawing paper, or anything that will be actually useful. How do we reinsert value into these bills? What value do they have when people are starving?
Cuánto Vale? Cuánto Cuesta?
typewriter, Bolívares, thread
As inflation rates go higher and higher, people in Venezuela continue to starve and lack adequate resources.
What is this money worth if it can’t buy food? water? medicine?